Training with HHTC

We catch up to train most days. Some sessions are social and some include structured training sets. While we don’t have official coaches, our structured sessions are led by one of our training leaders and can be adjusted to fit the skill level of each athlete.


We do weekly pool swims at either Macquarie University or Lane Cove Aquatic Centres, and join the Bold & Beautiful crew in Manly for open water swims during the warmer seasons.


Some of our rides includes routes to to Sydney Olympic Park, Lane Cove National Park, or loops around the northern suburbs. 

We also ride out to Bobbo and West head for our long rides.


Our track sessions are held at Blackman Oval, and our progressive/threshold runs are held at either the Bay Run or start at Putney.

Here's a sample of what we're up to each week:

Please note: this is a sample program only. Training sessions are updated regularly on the HHTC training chat.